Gump Station has a number of shared vehicles, including compact full-electric cars for general use and 4x4 pickup trucks for research and class use. Vehicles are shared, so if dedicated use for a sustained period is required during a busy time, users are encouraged to rent their own car.
All drivers must complete the vehicle use form on arrival. Vehicle use is primarily for Gump Station residents. Day users also have access to the vehicles but the cars must be left at the Gump Station over night. Diesel for pickup trucks is included in the flat fee, but only for Gump Station vehicles when filled up at the Mobil gas station nearby in Paopao. Users must pay for any diesel purchased elsewhere.
Priority is given to user needs on Moorea, but vehicles can sometimes be taken to Tahiti (subject to exceptional approval). Car ferry and other costs associated with taking cars to Tahiti are at the users expense.